
How To Become a Makeup Artist

Being a makeup artist can be such a fun, rewarding career! It's so exciting to see your work posted in a major magazine, or to have someone so elated that you made them look so beautiful! There's also the excitement of doing a celebrity or behind the scenes of a runway show! So how do you become a makeup artist? Here are a few tips to help you with your journey:

1) Decide what type of makeup artist you want to become. There's so many directions for a makeup artist to go and the techniques and types of makeup required are very different. Sometimes it takes experience and time to really narrow this down but it's great to start with an idea. Here are some of the types: bridal, celebrity, television, film, theatre, fashion, body and face painting.

2) Build your artistry skills. This is extremely important because this is what is going to have people trust you and call you back for jobs. There are several ways to become a very skilled makeup artist. You can teach yourself through makeup books from famous makeup artists like Kevin Aucoin or Scott Barnes. You can also find your favorite artists on youtube and practice techniques on yourself and friends. There are some good makeup schools like the Makeup Designatory in New York and Los Angeles or less lessons from established makeup artists. You could start at a cosmetic counter and gain experience and product knowledge. Lastly you could assist a makeup artist that does great work.

3) Build your portfolio. Offer your services for trade with photographer who produce good work. In the beginning you may have to pay for the quality that you want if you are not getting to work with quality photographers. Seek every opportunity to build a great portfolio.

4) Market yourself. Be consistent with your marketing materials. The design of how your marketing material looks is very key as well. Make sure to make business cards, set up a site an/or a blog, and use social media networks such as facebook and twitter. You can have awesome work but if no one ever sees it, they will never know your talent.

5) Be professional. Always present yourself in a professional manner. The moment you walk out of the door you are promoting yourself starting with your appearance. Always be punctual and considerate of other's times. Be courteous and tactful with the people that you encounter as well. Remember that you are trying to build a good name for yourself.

6) Network, Network, Network. I can't begin to stress how important this is. Opportunities usually don't fall into your lap so so you have to seek them and reach out to the right people. Building healthy relationships with photographers, fellow makeup artists, hair stylists, model agencies, magazine editors and so far are very beneficial to advancing your career.

Check out this video and here a little bit of my story in becoming a makeup artist!

1 comment:

  1. This is AWESOME! Now I have to say this is what it's all about. Sharing with people what it took for you to become a makeup artist. I love the way you're sharing the things that people can still do regardless of money to help put themselves out there. More people need to do this. You're loosing nothing and gaining everything, including building a business relationship with others. Great work Mimi!
