
Counter Chic Event

Hey everyone!

A few weeks ago a friend of mine stopped by my counter and asked for my help with makeup and skin care tips for the summer time. She brought in her makeup bag and everything! I then evaluated her bag and suggested some things that she may like and what she should replace. I even gave her a quick makeover and she absolutely loved it! I thought to myself that this process was great and it would make a great and fun event. So voila.......I created one!

Last week I hosted a "Counter Chic" event at my counter where I met bloggers, beauty enthusiasts, and ladies who just wanted some new beauty advice. I went through the importance of skincare treatments, how to keep skin refreshments, summer color palettes, and product recommendations. One of the event-goers actually posted a blog about it! Check it out in the below link and stay tuned for other events coming soon!


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