
Beauty Breeze Chat: Week 1

Here's the recap from the first beauty chat on twitter:

1)What are some of your new business practices that you have implemented for 2011? 
Feedback on the first question was: Follow up with past clients and ask for referrals, and have a solid marketing plan.

2)What lessons did you learn from 2010 that will make you a better entrepreneur and artist? Feedback on the second question: Divide goals into quarters, so every three months, work another portion of big picture plan. Success is never an accident; Learned to surround yourself with other artists, great way to learn new techniques, have a solid business/marketing plan.Don't be afraid to toot your own horn.

3)What makeup artist/ hair stylist do you admire the most and why? Feedback on the third question: Oh my, there's so many! The dynamic duo @SamFineBeauty & @oscarjameshair for print because they're so amazing. Admire artists like @mimijizzle because she inspires me to do better! Admire the artist around me and feed off of their energy. 

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